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Regarding the article information from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia
Exploring the Potential of the Art Market in Indonesia

Exploring the Potential of the Art Market in Indonesia

The number of Indonesian artists' works exhibited abroad is clear evidence of the growth of the fine art market in Indonesia. In the long run, of course, this development proves the great potential of fine arts in supporting the growth of Indonesia's creative economy.

Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf RI
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RIWednesday, July 24, 2024
Indonesian Director Goes Global, Involved in Hollywood Filmmaking

Indonesian Director Goes Global, Involved in Hollywood Filmmaking

Indonesian films have impressed audiences at various world film festivals, and foreign production houses are starting to consider them for Hollywood movies. Who are these Indonesian directors?

Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf RI
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RITuesday, July 23, 2024
5 Local Animation IPs Showcasing Indonesian Culture

5 Local Animation IPs Showcasing Indonesian Culture

Indonesia's animation industry is rapidly growing, as evidenced by the increasing number of local animation IPs created by Indonesian developers and animators. Each local animation IP has distinct characteristics, especially in incorporating cultural elements.

Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf RI
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RITuesday, July 23, 2024
Getting to Know Various Traditional Musical Instruments Typical of Kalimantan

Getting to Know Various Traditional Musical Instruments Typical of Kalimantan

Apart from entertainment, the music subsector can also preserve local culture. One way to do this is by playing traditional musical instruments. The following are traditional musical instruments from Kalimantan Island that are interesting to explore and play.

Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf RI
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RITuesday, July 23, 2024
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