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Barista, Indonesia's Promising and Proud Profession

Barista, Indonesia's Promising and Proud Profession


The trend of enjoying coffee while socializing with colleagues and friends has fueled the proliferation of coffee shops across Indonesia, sparking heightened interest, particularly among the youth, in pursuing the barista profession.

The data from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) shows proof of this in the number of skilled barista training participants, which has continued to increase by 240% over the past three years. Based on this data, in 2020, there were 455 barista students; in 2021, it increased to 1,075 students and further increased in 2022, reaching 1,130 students.

Sadly, many people still underestimate the importance of the barista profession, even though it is a highly promising career in the culinary industry.

Delicious Coffee in the Hands of a Barista

It's important to understand that a barista does more than just brew coffee. A barista is essential in determining whether or not a glass of coffee served is delicious. That's why a professional barista must be able to select the best coffee beans, know how to grind them well, and understand the correct brewing method to get the desired coffee flavor.

A professional barista should be proficient in preparing classic coffee drinks like espresso, cappuccino, or americano, as well as creating latte art, the art of decorating coffee. For your information, the ability to paint over coffee takes time. It takes at least four months of practice for baristas to create the perfect latte art. Even then, you must continue to practice and think creatively to develop a variety of unique paintings on the surface of the coffee.

However, you cannot maximize your coffee preparation skills without a barista certification. The certification officially recognizes your professional skills as a barista, adding value to local and global competitions.

Photo: Illustration of a barista making coffee (Shutterstock/Mix and Match Studio)

Indonesian Baristas Succeed on the International Stage

Interestingly, the barista profession can also enhance Indonesia's international reputation. Moreover, numerous competitions assess world-class coffee blending skills, where Indonesian baristas often excel on the global stage.

Mikael Jasin, an Indonesian professional barista, achieved a remarkable feat by winning 1st place in the 2024 World Barista Championship in Busan, South Korea. He triumphed over 53 baristas from around the world. Mikael Jasin had previously participated in the World Barista Championship, securing the 4th position in 2019 and the 7th position in 2021.

Barista Ryan Wibawa has made Indonesia proud by placing 3rd in the 2024 World Brewers Cup in Chicago, United States. This is an extraordinary achievement, marking the first time an Indonesian representative has placed in the top three in this world-level competition.

Professional female baristas have achieved success in international championships as well. One notable example is Mandie Soengkono, who placed second in the cupping competition at the 2023 World Cup Tasters Championship in Greece. Remarkably, Mandie Soengkono was the only female barista to reach the final round.

With so many barista enthusiasts, many more outstanding baristas may bring Indonesia's name internationally.

Cover: Illustration of making latte art (Shutterstock/Denis Hrishyn)

Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RIWednesday, June 26, 2024
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