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Cultural Diversity in Tourism Villages Around Lake Toba

Cultural Diversity in Tourism Villages Around Lake Toba


It is not surprising that Lake Toba is included in one of Indonesia's Super Priority Destinations (DSP), considering that Lake Toba has a lot of attractions for anyone visiting it. This includes the well-preserved cultural diversity around Lake Toba. Sobat Parekraf can see it in the tourism villages around Lake Toba.

Lake Toba is dubbed as the largest volcanic lake in the world. This volcanic lake is estimated to be more than seventy four thousand years old. With an area of approximately 1,130 square kilometers, it's no wonder Lake Toba is more like an ocean than a lake. However, apart from the natural beauty that is still maintained, the culture on Lake Toba continues to be sustainable.

Preserving this culture is still very easy for Sobat Parekraf to find in tourism villages around Lake Toba. The presence of tourism villages has also become a tourist attraction around Lake Toba. Here are some interesting tourism villages around Lake Toba to visit:

Hariara Pohan Tourism Village

Successfully included in the 75 Greatest Indonesian Tourism Village Awards (ADWI) 2023, Hariara Pohan Tourism Village has abundant natural resources. Sobat Parekraf can see coffee plantations, avocado hills, and the beauty of Holbung Hill, which stretches on the edge of Lake Toba.

Interestingly, Holbung Hill in the Hariara Pohan Tourism Village is the shooting location for the film Ngeri-ngeri Sedap (2022). Besides having beautiful landscapes, this tourism village near Lake Toba highly respects customs/traditions. Within this village, there are hundreds of years old cultural sites, including Huta Simarmata, ancient Batak traditional houses, and the Sarcophagus of the Tomb of King Simarmata.

Meat Tourism Village

In addition to Hariara Pohan Tourism Village, there is another tourism village around Lake Toba that has made it into the greatest 300 of ADWI 2023, namely Meat Tourism Village. This tourism village is located in Tampahan, Toba Samosir Regency. Visiting it, Sobat Parekraf will find two hills overgrown with pine trees and a wide expanse of rice fields.

Not only enjoying the beauty of nature, Sobat Parekraf can also learn martonun, making ulos cloth with women of Meat Tourism Village. For your information, Meat Tourism Village is one of the biggest ulos producers in Toba Regency! So, Sobat Parekraf can buy the best creative economy products from this tourism village.

Photo: Batak traditional house in Tuktuk Siadong Tourism Village (Shutterstock/Simon Siregar)

Tuktuk Siadong Tourism Village

Another tourism village around Lake Toba is the Tuktuk Siadong Tourism Village. Located in Simanindo District, Samosir Regency, the icons of this tourism village are Beta Hill, overgrown with green grass and very large, and Simangande Waterfall, which flows profusely from one side of the hills.

Not only enjoying nature tourism, Sobat Parekraf can also do various exciting activities at the Tuktuk Siadong Tourism Village, from fishing, swimming to diving in the lake. Interestingly, the Tuktuk Siadong Tourism Village has been nicknamed the Tourist Village since it has been visited by foreign tourists since 1990.

Huta Tinggi Tourism Village

Located in Pangururan District, Samosir Regency, Huta Tinggi Tourism Village offers a complete mix of natural and cultural tourism. Sobat Parekraf can feel the sensation of picking coffee berries directly from the farm and learning to milk buffalo in this tourism village. Interestingly, Sobat Parekraf can immediately process it into dali ni horbo, a typical Batak cheese. This traditional food has a savory taste, similar to the ricotta cheese of Italy.

There is no doubt about culture, in Huta Tinggi Tourism Village, Sobat Parekraf can see Tor-tor dance performances and gondang music, which are often held in traditional ceremonies in the village. In addition, Sobat Parekraf can see the settlements of residents living in bolon houses, the traditional Batak houses. Very interesting, isn't it?

Jangga Dolok Tourism Village

Another tourism village around Lake Toba is in Lumban Julu District, Toba Samosir Regency. Not only does it have fresh air, but Jangga Dolok Tourism Village is also famous for its tours of the oldest Batak Toba traditional house, Tobasa, which is 250-300 years old.

Moreover, Sobat Parekraf can also taste typical Batak snacks from Jangga Dolok Tourism Village, tipa-tipa. The snack is made of mashed rice, which is soaked for 2 nights. Shaped like cereal, locals usually serve this sweet treat with sugar and grated coconut.

Lake Toba not only has beautiful landscapes but also a rich culture that is well-preserved in all tourism villages.

Cover: The natural beauty of Holbung Hill in Hariara Pohan Tourism Village (Shutterstock/sydeen)

Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RIWednesday, August 16, 2023
© 2024 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency