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“Every Step Matters” Movement: An Act to Supporting Sustainable Tourism

“Every Step Matters” Movement: An Act to Supporting Sustainable Tourism


Not only focus on increasing the number of tourists in Indonesia. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) also continues to strive to implement sustainable tourism in Indonesia. 

For those of you, Sobat Parekraf, who don’t know what sustainable tourism is, it is a concept for development for sustainable tourism which can provide us with a long-term impact of tourism. It doesn’t only increase the happiness of tourists, sustainable tourism also contributes to improving environmental, social, cultural, as well as economic aspects for the local people and tourists who visit Indonesia.

The development and implementation of sustainable tourism have become an important step in revitalizing the tourist sector and creative economy (Ekraf) throughout Indonesia. Thus, by applying this concept, hopefully, it will be able to stimulate the Indonesian economy, and open employment opportunities as large as possible.

By implementing sustainable tourism, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf has four pillars which focus on sustainable management (tourist business), sustainable economy (long-term socio-economy), sustainable culture which is supposed to be developed and preserved, as well as environmental aspects (environmental sustainability).

To support one of the pillars, which is environmental sustainability in Indonesia, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf popularized the movement that focuses on the environment called “Every Step Matters”, and also campaign “Kita Mulai Sekarang” for domestic tourists. So, what exactly is the “Every Step Matters” movement?

Photo: Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, at the launch of the "Every Step Matters" movement.

Knowing “Every Step Matters” Movement

The “Every Step Matters” movement has become a nationally established campaign for mitigation and adaptation. It aims to socialize the issue of climate change and its impact on the tourist sector, particularly, the implementation of environmental sustainability. It is expected to bring awareness among tourists to care for the environment.

The “Every Step Matters” is proof of the contribution made by Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf which they are willing to take part in reducing emissions in the world by 2030, and also resolving the issue of climate change in the tourism sector according to the Paris Agreement (2015).

Focusing on sustainable tourism in Indonesia, this movement has targeted to reduce carbon emissions in tourist sectors by up to 50% by 2030, and achieve zero emissions by 2045.

Having an eco-friendly concept has become a notable asset for Indonesian tourism to attract more tourists to come. Moreover, many tourists have started to consider the importance of environmental and cultural aspects of tourism. 

Additionally, according to the survey cited from, around 72% of local tourists have started to move and choose sustainable tourism. Interestingly, around 55% of global tourists are more willing to choose sustainable tourism than any other tourist destinations.

Facts on the Logo of “Every Step Matters”

The “Every Step Matters” movement has a symbol of a foot with a combination of blue and green colors. Every visual and color on the logo has really deep meanings.

The foot symbol of the logo of “Every Step Matters'' has a meaning that traveling can bring us both positive and negative impacts. Meanwhile, the blue color on the logo means the consequences of decarbonization. And, the green color, which is similar to mangrove, represents the act of decarbonization by growing trees.

In other words, the logo is intended to encourage every society to care more about tourist destinations, as well as work together to resolve the issue of climate change in the tourism sector. 

One simple thing that Sobat Parekraf can do to support the movement, is to keep the environment clean in any tourist destinations. 

Cover: Illustration of cultural preservation of Gendang Beleq from Lombok (Shutterstock/Harry Hermanan)

Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RITuesday, April 4, 2023
© 2024 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency