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Indonesia Tourism Village Award to be Held Again in 2023

Indonesia Tourism Village Award to be Held Again in 2023


The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) has launched the 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI) on January 31, 2023, at Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta.

Indonesian Tourism Village Award is an award show for tourism villages who comply with the requirements based on criteria determined by Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf. 2023 ADWI is expected to not only “compete”, but also stimulate the economic growth of Indonesia. 

ADWI will also be a moment of revival in tourism and creative economy in Indonesia. So, it will help villages throughout the country to be competitive and sustainable for world-class tourist destinations.

On the other hand, 2023 ADWI can also be an Indonesia tourist attraction. So, it can boost the village’s economy, as well as stimulate cooperation among pantahelix (academics, businessmen, community, government, and media) in the name of progress of tourism villages. 

Illustration: The beauty of the Arborek Tourism Village from above (Shutterstock/Widhibek)

ADWI 2023 Assessment Categories

There are five assessment criteria that all 2023 ADWI participants must meet in order to be selected as the Best Tourism Village in Indonesia. First, a tourism village must have unique and authentic tourist attractions, in the form of natural, artificial, and arts and culture.

Next, the assessment will be taken from the quality standards of homestay services by preserving local culture. At the same time, the quality standard of the toilet in order to comply with tourist facilities and infrastructure for the comfort of visiting tourists.

The third assessment will be taken from the digital transformations and acceleration which can create creative contents as promotional means for virtual tourism villages. Meanwhile, the fourth evaluation will look at the souvenir. Each tourism village must have the creativity to invent culinary traditions, fashions, and handicrafts according to the local wisdom.

Lastly, the assessment will be considering the institution or agency of the tourism village, as well as implementing the national standard of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability). The tourism village must be incorporated, have sustainable tourism village management, have risk management, and implement national standard CHSE.

4,000 Tourism Village

With the theme “World Class Tourism”, 2023 ADWI is very different from the previous two years. The difference can be seen from the enhancement of the number of tourism villages that registered from year to year. 

Compared to the 2021 ADWI which were only 1,831 tourism villages, and 3,419 in 2022, the 2023 ADWI will target 4,000 tourism villages from 34 provinces in Indonesia participating in this annual event.

With the amount of tourism villages participating in the event, it will create many choices for domestic and foreign tourists who want to experience firsthand the local wisdom that exists in the tourism village. Thus, it can achieve the target of 7.4 million of foreign tourists, as well as create 4.4 million new jobs in Indonesia.

Cover: Cleanliness is always maintained at Bali's Penglipuran Tourism Village (Shutterstock/muratart)

Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RITuesday, March 7, 2023
© 2024 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency