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Let's Get to Know Tourism Villages Winning the ADWI 2023

Let's Get to Know Tourism Villages Winning the ADWI 2023


The 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI 2023) awarding night occurred on August 27, 2023, at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta. During the awarding ceremony, 75 best tourism villages were selected from among the 4,573 participating in ADWI 2023.

It is important to remember that ADWI is an event for awarding tourism villages that meet the evaluation criteria of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf). In a way, ADWI is a momentum for the rise of tourism and the creative economy in Indonesia.

The ADWI 2023 awards are divided into several categories, with the "Best Tourism Village" and "Most Favorite Tourism Village" categories receiving the most attention. So, which tourism villages won the awards?

Best Tourism Village: Ketapanrame Tourism Village

Ketapanrame Tourism Village won the "Best Tourism Village'' category in the ADWI 2023 event. Located in Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Ketapanrame Tourism Village is a tourist village that is famous for its many alternative tourist options. Be it natural tourism, creative tourism, cultural tourism, and educational tourism.

In the natural tourism sector, Ketapanrame Tourism Village has Sumber Gempong Rice Fields, Dlundung Waterfall, Talang Waterfall, and Coffee Plantations. Regarding cultural tourism, tourists can try pencak silat, bantengan, playing gamelan, or Mayang Rontek dance.

This tourism village, situated in the Trawas District, also has artificial tourism, such as Ghanjaran Park and Rabbit Park, which are quite popular among tourists. Meanwhile, for educational tours, Sobat Parekraf can try planting rice, plowing fields, cultivating maggots, and joining the process of making herbal medicine directly.

The selection of the Ketapanrame Tourism Village as ADWI 2023's "Best Tourism Village'' cannot be separated from the facilities' completeness. This is because the tourism village has homestays with adequate facilities, photo spots, culinary spots, and souvenir stalls selling local creative economy products.

Photo: One of the beauties of Cipta Karya Tourism Village, West Kalimantan (

Most Favorite Tourism Village: Cipta Karya Tourism Village

The ADWI 2023 "Most Favorite Tourist Village'' category goes to Cipta Karya Tourism Village. This tourism village, located in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, has many top destinations, such as Sepadang Hill, Riam Palayo Waterfall, Pajamet Hill, and Kalong Traditional Forest which is said to be the former ancient settlement of the Sub Dayak Bakati community.

There are many tourist attractions that Sobat Parekraf can do at Cipta Karya Tourism Village, from using trekking paths on a mountain bike to jungle tracking, and cycling around the village. Besides, Sobat Parekraf can also try cultural tourism at the Cipta Karya Tourism Village. One interesting thing is seeing firsthand the making of a traditional musical instrument typical of the Dayak tribe, namely the "sape". This traditional musical instrument is made of aro wood, marong wood, and pelantan wood.

Interestingly, this 43 square kilometer tourism village is not only famous for its natural and cultural tourist destinations but is also home to flora and fauna that have rare and protected status, such as the Rafflesia Tuan Mudae flower, Rhizanthes lowii (the smallest Rafflesia in the world), the green slipper orchid, the Ruai bird, Gibbon, Kubung, and the horned frog.

Other ADWI 2023 Winners

In addition to the "Best Tourism Village" and "Most Favorite Tourism Village'' categories, ADWI 2023 has many winners from various other categories. For example, Muntei Tourism Village (West Sumatra) won the "Visitor Attraction" category, the Penyengat Island Tourism Village (Riau Islands) won the "Startup Tourism Village'' category, and the Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sijunjung Tourism Village (West Sumatra) was awarded the “Developing Tourism Village” category.

Besides, many tourism villages still won categories in the ADWI 2023 awards. Lawang Tourism Village (West Sumatra) won the “Homestay and Toilet” category, Taraju Tourism Village (West Java) won the “Digital and Creative” category, Tari Rebu Tourism Village (Bangka Belitung Islands) won the “Souvenir” category, and Iboih Tourism Village (Aceh) obtained the “Institutional Tourism Village and CHSE”.

Cover: Tourist attraction at Ketapanrame Tourism Village, Mojokerto (

Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RIFriday, September 8, 2023
© 2024 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency