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The 2023 AIS Forum Summit to Promote the Indonesian Maritime Sector

The 2023 AIS Forum Summit to Promote the Indonesian Maritime Sector


Over the past few years, Indonesia has continued to be trusted to host various international-level events. Of course, the trust given further confirms that Indonesia is indeed worthy of being an international MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions) destination.

After successfully hosting the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo and the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia has been entrusted with hosting the 2023 Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum Summit. The forum will be held in Bali on October 11, 2023.

This meeting seems to be a "promotional event" to introduce Indonesian tourism for free. It is because the 2023 AIS Forum Summit will invite delegates from 51 island and archipelagic countries, with a target of 25 representatives at the head of state/government level and 30-47 representatives at the ministerial level.

In addition, the 2023 AIS Forum Summit is also planned to be attended by several international organizations. Some of them are the Pacific Island Countries Forum (PIF), the Melanesian Cooperation Group (MSG), the Caribbean Community Group of States (CARICOM), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Carrying the theme "Fostering Collaboration, Enabling Innovation for Our Ocean and Our Future", the 2023 AIS Forum Summit will focus on three aspects: blue economic development, the challenge of climate change, and strengthening solidarity between the island and archipelagic countries.

As host, the 2023 AIS Forum Summit will also be Indonesia's contribution as an initiator in dealing with various global issues related to maritime affairs. Hopefully, this forum will have a concrete impact in responding to the challenges of island and archipelagic countries.

Photo: illustration of the beauty of Indonesia's sea (Shutterstock/Fabio Lamanna)

Interesting Facts about Indonesian Maritime Affairs

Receiving the mandate to host the 2023 AIS Forum Summit positively impacts the development of Indonesia's tourism sector. This opportunity can strengthen Indonesia's marine tourism potential in the future.

Remember, Indonesia is known as one of the largest maritime countries in the world. This is proven by Indonesia's area, which is 70% dominated by sea, with the rest being land. Amazingly, Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands. This further reaffirms Indonesia's maritime potential, which is often a unique attraction in the eyes of local and foreign tourists. So, what are the interesting facts about Indonesia's oceans?

Longest coastline

For those who don't know, the coastline is the boundary between the sea and land when the highest tides occur. Amazingly, Indonesia is the second country with the longest coastline in the world, with a coastline reaching 99,083 km.

World diving spots

As an archipelagic country, Indonesia's underwater beauty cannot be doubted. The underwater scenery is so beautiful that Indonesia is known as the world's diving paradise. Many of the best diving spots in Indonesia have been recognized worldwide, one of which is on Misool Island, Raja Ampat. This paradise in eastern Indonesia has a third of the world's coral. That's why we can meet hundreds of marine biota on Misool Island, such as various fish, turtles, sharks, and coral reefs.

The largest turtle habitat in the world

A fact about Indonesia's marine potential that is no less interesting is that it has been named the habitat of most turtle species in the world. As explained on the WWF website, there are six of the world's seven species of turtles that live in Indonesia, namely the Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Flatback Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle and Leatherback Turtle. Reportedly, all these turtles are vulnerable to extinction or critically endangered.

The world's coral triangle

Indonesia is included in the world's coral reef triangle, along with Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste. Raja Ampat Islands are at the heart of the world's coral triangle.

Under the sea, Raja Ampat has 553 types of coral or more than 70% of the coral species in the world. Amazingly, Raja Ampat is home to 1,456 types of coral fish. As a result, the Raja Ampat Islands are the area with the world's highest wealth of coral fish species.

Cover: The beauty of Nusa Dua Bali which is the location for the 2023 AIS Forum Summit (Shutterstock/nikjvt)

Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RIWednesday, October 11, 2023
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